AIGAT YOUR BACK: Balancing Passion and Pay

Opinions Editor

I envy those privileged few whose dreams are financially stable. Many of our dreams, however, are much more difficult to make a living off of. Herein lies the ultimate choice, especially for many of us preparing to take a step into that void called adulthood.

Both survival and personal fulfillment are equally important, but survival means money while fulfillment often means, well … not money. Ideally, one would reach a balance between the two, surviving and living. However, this line of balance often seems impossible to maintain, especially if we do not want it enough.

Yes, it will be difficult to maintain the discipline, drive and resources required to pursue our dreams, but it could be worth it in the end. Our only failure would be in not putting in the effort needed to make it work. As Brandon Stanton, photographer and blogger of Humans of New York, a blog compiling photographs and interviews of the people of New York, once said, “There are so many people that use ‘following your dreams’ as an excuse to not work, when in reality, following your dreams, successfully, is nothing but work.”