A Day Stuffed With Fun

Staff Writer

Thanksgiving is a time when families spend time together and give to those who are not as fortunate; however, thinking of a way to spend the day meaningfully with them can be a bit stressful. Thankfully, activities are around every corner. An activity can be an attempt to make a delicious meal with loved ones.

“What I plan on doing for Thanksgiving is just stay home with the family and probably have other family members over for Thanksgiving dinner. For our tradition, [my family stops] what [they] are doing and sit down at the dinner table [with] good food and just appreciate what [we] have,” junior Calvin Mac said.

Other than feasting, some traditions include making crafts. For example, children create pilgrim hats and costumes. During fall, leaves and trees change color so many people enjoy nature walks. Families can bake apple pies and make candy apples.

“This Thanksgiving I plan on spending the morning with my family at the park to play baseball or football, then [I will] watch games [on television] and prepare for Black Friday shopping,” senior Anthony Saris said.

Whether it’s waiting for Black Friday to commence at the dawn of day or serving the less fortunate, Thanksgiving is a time of family and gratitude.