American Tech v.s. The World

Staff Writer

With subtle improvements every year, the United States is known to have advanced technology that aids us in different scientific fields. Although we might have better technology compared with some areas of the world, other countries, such as Japan, Finland, and South Korea, surpass us electronically. Our technology, which includes products such as smart phones, and tablets, makes life more convenient for us and allows us to enjoy life more efficiently. As we are quickly growing electronically, the creators of many advanced companies, such as Google, Dell and Apple, generate more evolved items of technology. Google, for instance, is a major search engine that was created here in the United States and is vigorously used worldwide.

Japan, a very superior country in the field of science, has many incredible feats of technology that outshine nearly everyone else. With amazingly fast forms of transportation, Japan has trains and cars that seem to teleport from place to place. While the Japanese people are more than capable of handling extremely fast and dangerous machinery, American people are less capable to do so due to the inevitable growth of America’s high vehicle accident rate.

However, the United States is not that helpless when it comes to space technology. With the most number of space missions sent out of Earth, America is the leading nation in space exploration. Our technology, nonetheless, has improved our economy by a great deal. Through the internet, companies are able to sell their merchandise online which contributes to the convenience of efficient lifestyles. Technological sciences also help manufacturers generate items more quickly, effectively and in bulk.