In this Barbie World…


Opinions Editor

Some advice from Barbra Osborne,  pageant organizer: If you cake your face with make-up and do several sit-ups, maybe you, too, can be beautiful. Fifteen year-old Olivia O’Neil was once “pageant-pretty,” winning her the Miss Teen Wanganui crown of New Zealand. Then she had to dye her blonde hair dark.

After being de-crowned, O’Neil considered quitting pageant life since altering her own appearance isn’t allowed. Osborne only retorted that the teen was whiny; and to properly bulldoze over the young girl’s dreams, she also added that O’Neil “would not go very far in life,” and then probably proceeded to kick some puppies.

Jevan Goulter, pageant spokesman, claimed that though it’s not written in stone, it is an “expectation” that Barbie, I mean O’Neil, maintain the image she had when she was packaged, I mean won. However, Goulter seems to be severely confused; he confirms that the crown was stripped because of her new look, but that it had nothing to do with the dyed hair from the start, that she was the one who gave it back.

In any setting, telling a young girl that her looks aren’t ideal and  she’ll never amount to anything only plants the seeds for yet another bitter grown-up.