Balancing the load

Sammie Chen_SportsAnatomy1
Staff Writer

In high school, it is common for students to take on more than just academics. Many students join activities such as sport. According to some students in sports, life becomes more stressful when balancing a sport and academics because managing both is time consuming and physically draining.

One of the best way to successfully balance according to cross country coach Sandra Rodriguez, is to have an open communication with the coaches as well as with your teachers. Making sure your coaches understand that sometimes you need to take a day off from practice to study and keep your teachers aware of your other obligations in order to get more time to turn in homework or projects is also important.

“I understand the importance of academics, so when my athletes let me know that they need to study or finish a project, their practice is cut, and they are able to leave early,” Rodriguez said.

Being productive is also important as well. Right after practice, make time to study and catch up with all your school work. Remember, before anything else, you’re a student and academics come first.