NO ‘HO’LDING BACK : Confined Inside a Cave

Copy Editor

A few weeks ago, I witnessed a student pick up a copy of The Moor Weekly. They skimmed the text for ten seconds before they proclaimed, “This is so boring,” and put it down. I winced. Why not just crumple up the paper and toss it at my face?

This wasn’t an isolated incident either. While our newspaper may not be the most fascinating read in the world, this still reflects a worrying trend. If some readers are so quick to dismiss a newspaper made by students, for students, it makes me wonder if they would ever decide to follow the news on a larger scale: local, national and global.

Perhaps it is simply easier for a person to stay uninformed; the only thing to be concerned with is their own narrow little world, but this quickly leads to apathy and ignorance on their part. Those issues enveloping the nation, the world — who cares about them? They aren’t going to affect me. Constantly, people come to accept only what they are told and stop thinking for themselves.

Honestly, it is challenging to follow the complex current events or political debates unfolding around us. However, it does not seem right to avoid understanding just because it is difficult. As human beings, we should all share some responsibility in improving our world, or at least care about making progress. Being informed is the first step.

As for all of our regular readers out there: I thank all of you sincerely for your continual support.