High School Landmarks

Features Editor

Think of a moment on campus that means something to you, ups or downs that may have made you cry tears of joy or tears of sorrow. Here are a few “landmarks” that may jolt your memory:

1. Your first lunch: As a freshman, it is a fresh start. You come into a world where no one knows your past. High school cliques differ from elementary school’s. Do you believe in “cliques”? Who do you choose to sit with during lunch?

2. Hanging out with friends: People don’t always remember their first encounters, but some of the best memories—perhaps even the worst—are with your high school friends. These friends, your chosen family, help pull you through the downs and cheer you through the ups. Are you still close to your elementary school friends? How did you meet your current closest friends?

3. Working with a team: Whether you are an athlete, a dancer, a musician, an orator, an advocator or a volunteer, the family you grow with will engrave times into you that you won’t forget. Who do you work best with? What have you learned from them?

4. That one class: There is always at least one class that means something to you. Without it, your life would twist into another direction, for better or worse. Did it challenge or inspire you? Did a teacher make a difference in your life?

When we walk off the campus with our diploma in hand, these memories pinpoint landmarks along the memory lane of our high school experiences.