Girls’ League Resilient After Spring Fling Cancellation

Staff Writer

Due to inadequate ticket sales, Girls’ League’s Spring Fling, the planned final dance of the year, was cancelled two days before its scheduled occurrence on May 2.

As the dance was approaching, the number of tickets sold was still distant from the arranged quota, so Girls’ League decided to cancel the event, according to Girls’ League treasurer Vivian Tran. Girls’ League members speculated that many students were going to buy tickets in the last few days, but they could not take the risk. About $400 worth of decorations had already been ordered, but Girls’ League will be able to have the money refunded.

“[Sales might have been low] because it was right before AP testing. It also wasn’t advertised as well as we would’ve liked,” Girls’ League president Aileen Wei said.

Spring Fling was arranged to take place in AHS’ underground parking structure with the glow-in-the-dark theme “Spring Glow,” and the featured colors would have been cherry blossom, robin blue and lavender. It was meant to be a casual and inexpensive alternative to Prom for underclassmen.

A large crowd was present in the announcement of the dance at Third Street, which included performances from various members of AHS’ dance teams and beatboxing.

“I’m just sad that it didn’t work out. The announcement was really big but the sales were disappointing. It might’ve been better if we incorporated more promotion about Spring Fling because a lot of the people probably came only for the entertainment,” Tran said.

This year would have been the second time Spring Fling was hosted since its introduction three years ago. Traditionally, Girls’ League hosts Winter Ball; however, this year their club registration was delayed until second semester due to the graduation of their former president and their need to find a new adviser, so they were unable to organize the dance.

“Our club got a late start, [but] we still wanted to do [a] dance for our student body and get our name out, so we had Spring Fling,” Tran said. “Our budget was very tight. We [had] to raise a lot of money in two months, [so] we [had] fundraisers every single week and a bake sale once a month.”

Girls’ League is currently planning which dances they will host next year and believe that they will be more successful, organizing the club earlier in the school year.

“I still have pride in Girls’ League,” Tran said. “I talked to more of the members and I feel we are more of a team.”