A League of Their Own

Staff Writer

In the midst of World War II, the popular sport of baseball pitched in for the war effort as players were drafted overseas, changing the face of the game forever. When women are needed to save the world of baseball, this story based on true events impacted the lives of two sisters who were scouted to be a part of the first All-American Girls Professional Baseball League in the 1992 film “A League of Their Own.”

If you are looking for a feel-good movie that makes you laugh or feel inspired, this movie is a great choice. This cultural masterpiece tells the story of catcher Dottie Hinson, who was one of the first few women chosen to be part of the Rockford Peaches team, who took the challenging road to make it to the World Series in 1942.

As these women learn to work together as a team to overcome the obstacles faced in a time of gender bias, their rude drunken manager Jimmy Dougin learns to appreciate the game of baseball once again. As Dougin discovers, “it’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard everybody would do it. The hard is what makes it great.”

The main characters are brilliantly portrayed by actor Tom Hanks and actress Geena Davis as they work in unison to inspire their athletes to defy the odds set by societal expectations.

In 2012, “A League of Their Own” was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, and to this day, is seen by many as one of most inspiring movies of all time.