WRITE OR WONG?: Teen Petitions Disney: We Can’t All Be Princesses

Staff Writer

As a wholehearted Disney fanatic, I believe that Disney movies never leave us regardless of our age and Disney characters will always be here to captivate and inspire children. However, that does not mean these inspirations always deliver the right messages. The images and body types of Disney princesses for example, give unrealistic depictions to young girls.

There has been criticism before on Disney’s paradigm of blonde and stick-thin princesses, and recently, 17-year-old Jewel Moore launched a Change.org petition asking Disney to introduce a plus-size princess. She wrote: “I made this petition because I’m a plus-size young woman, and I know many plus-size girls and women who struggle with confidence and need a positive plus-size character in the media.”

Moore’s fight for a plus-size princess is uplifting and courageous. She is ultimately fighting for a role model Disney has yet to create. Disney’s productions have taught lessons of overcoming obstacles, defeating the villain and living happily ever after, but can we really say that they empower children to know that there is no such thing as a “perfect” image? Disney princesses should, as a collective group, influence diversity. A plus-size protagonist will serve as a positive representation in the media for girls who do not “fit the skinny standard” set by previous films. All children deserve to see themselves positively represented in the media. Although each Disney character is inspiring in their own unique way, a plus size princess will create a positive and magical ripple effect unlike any other before.