The Principle Goal of Our Principal

Staff Writer

With 2013 drawn to a close, the school year begins its transition into the second semester. Naturally, newly appointed principal Duane Russell has ambitions for the next phase of his inaugural year at AHS. He wishes to allow AHS to continue down the auspicious path it is currently on, referring to it as a great school.

Russell currently does not have a personal New Year’s resolution, devoting himself to the improvement of AHS is his priority. Russell’s main focus for 2014 is the implementation of the new Common Core State Standards. This ongoing process involves the training of teachers through professional development. As he only recently started his term as AHS principal, Russell wants to ensure the successful application of the new education standards at AHS.

In any case, Russell should be able to count on the support of the Moors in achieving his goals. With the help of the student body and the guidance of Russell, AHS will gradually accomplish these goals and rise to meet the latest Common Core Standards.