New York City and its Noise

Features Editor

Charlie Chaplin once said, “The glamour of it all! New York! America!” But what glamour was he referring to? Was it the multi-story Empire State Building or the taxicabs of New York City that have gradually become a widely recognized icon of the city?

Many Americans wonder what it would be like to walk around the Big Apple, but only those who have been there know how hectic it is. Taxicabs serve as a quick and easy mean of transportation across this city. The downside of having an abundance of cabs is the traffic that results from it. Most traffic jams in midtown are speckled with the over 10,000 yellow cabs that service the city.

However, taxis aren’t the only type of transportation in New York. The hot and dingy subway system of the 1970’s has been completely renovated into a safe, convenient and comfortable mode of transportation in nearly all areas of the city. Over 4.3 million people ride the subway system everyday; over 1 billion people go through the turnstiles per year!

Whether it’s a yellow taxicab or a smelly subway train, New York City has distinguished itself by its unique means of transportation. So the next time you visit the Big City, keep an eye out for these two manners of haulage and perhaps try taking a different route, and you just might see the City from a whole new angle.