High School Football Player Dies, Questions Helmet Safety

Staff Writer

Though football has evolved into one of the most popular sports, it still carries a huge danger factor unlike any other imagined. On Tuesday, Aug. 27, football player Tyler Lewellen died after collapsing on the field five days earlier. Lewellen was a junior at Arlington High School in Riverside, California. The team was involved in a scrimmage on Thursday, Aug. 22. According to New York Daily News, Lewellen inexplicably collapsed and lost consciousness after a play involving a helmet to helmet collision and was then rushed to a nearby hospital. He fell into a coma from the head injury and died at the hospital Tuesday night. As Arlington High School mourns over the death of Lewellen, the principal has nothing but kind words about him.

“Tyler was a wonderful young man with a bright future ahead of him and everything to look forward to,” Arlington Principal Antonio Garcia said, in an ABC7 article.

Lastly, the players and coaches have strongly stated that Lewellen demonstrated his courage by always doing what was right.

“The first time I met him was when I was getting bullied. He was the one that stopped it,” teammate Arturo Camargo said.

Through Lewellen’s death, questions have arisen whether a higher technology helmet could have prevented this tragedy. In an article by USA Today, a new developing helmet has been created using auto racing technology to decrease concussions and make football a safer game. Bill Simpson, auto racing specialist, states that his secret to the helmet’s success is its weight. It weighs half as light as a traditional football helmet, checking in an extraordinary 2.6 ounces, which can decrease the force of hard tackles.

With this new technology, football of all levels has finally taken a big step in the safety of the players’ heads. However, the only problem is that these helmets cost a staggering $400. Possibly, one day, all football programs will be able to adapt to this new era of helmets to make the game of football safer. With these new helmets, there is hope that football players will be able to avoid injuries similar to Lewellen’s.