Day in the Life of Alumnus James Takhar

Growing up, I always knew my older brother, James, was different compared to everybody else in my life. He could not talk the way other children did and he had a hard time understanding people. When it came to focusing in class, he had a hard time doing so and did not learn as fast as his peers. James has these traits that set him apart from others because he has autism.
Right now, James is 21 years old and his life is packed with activities so that every day can be fulfilling. He attended AHS and graduated in 2010. While at AHS, James participated in full-inclusion classes, meaning that he took all the same classes as any student without a disability would, but with an aide.
At AHS, his classmates were very accepting of their fellow Moor and, rather than ignore him, they befriended him. Even though it is unclear if James truly comprehended their actions, he nonetheless expressed enjoyment from the company of his peers and the support they gave him.
After graduation, James moved on to take classes at both Mountain View High School (MVHS) and Pasadena City College (PCC) and had his aide with him at both schools. A normal weekday for James begins with him getting ready for school at six in the morning. After he has prepared for the day ahead of him, he leaves for school, where the program James attends provides a bus service to take him and other students with disabilities to school.
At MVHS, he participates in the school’s transition program which teaches functional living skills: mobility, safety, work experience and community-based instruction. Basically, this program teaches him how to interact with the world around him, to better understand people and vice versa. After classes at MVHS, the next item for the day is a computer class at San Gabriel Valley Training Center.
When his school day is over, James takes the bus back home, and depending on the day of the week, he has a variety of activities. For example on Mondays, he goes to palates and speech therapy almost immediately after school, while he goes ice skating Thursday afternoons. Additionally, he works at the sporting goods store R.E.I. once a week in Arcadia, and stocks supplies on the shelves.
Although James seems very different from the average student, he actually has a great deal in common with everyone. He enjoys being active, meeting new people, watching movies and hanging out with friends. He always gives a big smile whenever he sees one of his old friends from AHS who included him in activities . Even though James may act differently, in the end, he is just the same as everyone else.

By Staff Writer Sarah Takhar