Spoken and Broken Silence from AMPS

Staff Writer
With all the commotion of the new school year, we were able to get a taste of some of the many talented groups on campus in the Welcome Back assembly, including the Alhambra Moors Poets Society (AMPS). Their performance was both captivating and intriguing. Needless to say, their hard work paid off in the end.
Their performance displayed a lot of emotion and careful thought in every word they said and I was enjoyed it immensely. However, I was both shocked and delighted for them when I realized that although AMPS is traditionally acknowledged during springtime assemblies towards the end of the year, this is one of the first times AMPS has been given the chance to perform during assemblies early on in the year.
Many people have recently acknowledged AMPS after their performance, with new faces showing up at their weekly meetings, according to AMPS President Melissa Maldonado.
Poetry is an opportunity for students to express their feelings without the fear of being ridiculed for who they are. AMPS lets them have the chance to perform in a welcoming environment. In my experience Tri-City Orchestra is a platform similar to AMPS in which I can express myself through music. It is nice to see that others who have different interests but the same desire to display their creativity be able to do so as I have done in orchestra.
AMPS has flourished over the years, as a result of hard work and passion and the payoff is evident in their much-deserved success.
I am not the only Moor who shares this point of view. AMPS member Alberto Salazar was ecstatic as well to find that AMPS was being recognized in the Welcome Back assembly.
In conjunction with the events in store for the new school year, there’s no doubt that others will realize that there are other in school that should and will be commended for their work and efforts.  Everyone deserves a chance in the spotlight to be appreciated for what they stand for.
Listening to AMPS’ performance gives people a different perspective. It made me want to “hear more of the philosophical lyrics that will bring the healing to the spirit,” as mentioned in their poem, and I hope we will be able to in the near future.