New AUSD Superintendent Laura Tellez Begins Term

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After 42 years of working for the Alhambra Unified School District (AUSD), Donna Perez retired from her role as superintendent on Aug. 31. Laura Tellez, who has worked for the district for nine years, stepped into her new position as superintendent on Sept. 1.
Although there is a new superintendent, there will not be changes in any policies. Tellez plans to begin her new job by maintaining students’ academic achievement.
“We need to continue the great work that is being done and, if challenges present themselves, we will work together to resolve them,” Superintendent Laura Tellez said.
Tellez has gathered experience in the past 35 years of her career by working in multiple school districts where the educators and district leaders have influenced the way she works.
“I have been able to learn from others what strategies are positive and most effective, [and] I have learned how important it is to build relationships and how important communication is. Talking through issues and listening to all sides of the story is crucial in making decisions,” Tellez said. “Having worked in AUSD for nine years has given me the opportunity to get to know the wonderful people involved with AUSD and to be part of a dynamic and successful district.”
Her previous job as Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources of the district included hiring and disciplining employees and negotiating with unions. Now, as superintendent, Tellez’s responsibilities have expanded.
“I work very closely with the school board. These five individuals make the decisions regarding the school district. It is my job to keep them informed about what is going on in the district,” Tellez said. “I am now responsible for students, parent concerns, facilities and budget.”
Furthermore, Tellez has worked closely with Perez and plans to follow in her lead.
“Mrs. Perez was a wonderful leader who was hard-working, dedicated and focused on doing what is right for the students. I will keep that as my focus as I step into this position,” Tellez said.