When would you have wanted a ‘Get Out of Jail’ Card in high school?

“I wish I had it about two weeks ago when I got caught for my shorts.” -Rita Zhou

“Part of my Speedo ripped once during water polo practice.” -Thomas Phan

“ We were doing our lab during AP Bio and I was really into the lab and I had a question for Mrs. Carr and for some reason, I accidentally shouted out ‘mom.’ Everyone stared at me like I was crazy.” -Stephanie Lu

The day that I was feeling really sleepy but I had an AP exam -Itzel Gonzalez

“AP testing because there is nothing like knowing that the best teachers ever are relying on your performance to prove that they actually are the best teachers ever.” -Pamela Ng

“When my teacher calls on me to give the answer to a question [and] I don’t know. It’s really embarrassing!” -Suviana Avila

“Every time I take a Calculus test.” -Alex Wang

“The time I accidentally ripped Ms. Keenan’s door handle off. I didn’t really get in trouble, but I still feel bad. [There was a] substitute that day and I had no idea what to do with the detached door handle.” -Richard Lam

“I did some really embarrassing things during a sophomore English presentation that pushed the boundaries of what was allowed in class.” -Yuki Wong

“Lunch time. I mean, come on, Rick’s is just across the street. -Rachel Munoz

“I got a written referral for throwing a piece of paper. Another guy started it, but he didn’t get any punishment. ” -Nery Rodriguez

“The day that I had many tests on the same day: a math. goverment, English and fashion test.” -Marissa Tovar