Varsity Girlsʼ Soccer Conquers Against Current League Champs

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The varsity girlsʼ soccer team had two things to celebrate after their victory against the previously undefeated Montebello High on Jan. 26: gaining a win against their opponents and being tied for first place in the Almont League.
The Lady Moors were unfazed by the blazing weather on Moor Field as they fi nished the game with a score of 1-0.
“I was very content with how we performed. We had to make some last minute changes in our defense, [but] we all pulled together to make them work,” right forward Karina Meza said.
The Lady Moors maintained a consistent performance throughout the game, with their midfi elders keeping the momentum going and their forwards pressuring their opponents to get to the other side of the field. But it was the performance of the teamʼs goalkeeper Christina Holguin–who prevented a scare after Montebello managed to break through Alhambraʼs defense–that ensured the teamʼs success.
“We plan to work more on transitioning to different formations. Depending on how [the] other team has their formation, we [will] try to figure out a formation that will enable us to penetrate through their [defense],” Meza said.
The team is focused on continuing to practice hard and learning from their mistakes. Their victory served as a testament to the teamʼs solid players, who will hopefully perform just as well as they did against Montebello throughout the rest of their season.
“We have accomplished so much. For the fi rst time in six years, we have made it to the fi rst round of [the] California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) qualifiers and I believe we can [even] make it past that,” Captain Courtney Moore said.