Dress Right for Flight

Staff Writer

Once upon a time, people wore proper, well-fitting clothes rather than the low-cut shirts, short skirts and pants two sizes too big. Though everyone is entitled to have their own unique fashion sense, places such as airports have decided to implement a dress code.
Although airports have not enforced dress code, there are standards to follow. A staff member may deem sagging pants, missing shoes and revealing clothing inappropriate. The person will be asked to change their attire. If a person refuses to comply, the staff calls security and has them removed from the premises whether the passenger is on their flight or not.
It is reasonable for the staff to ask passengers with inappropriate clothing to change into proper attire because children are likely to be on board and it is unjust to expose them to this inappropriate clothing—or lack thereof.
An airport that regulates what people wear on airlines can create an environment where no one is uncomfortable because of someone else’s revealing attire. After all, there are few people who want to see the color of the underwear of the person sitting next to them.