
Meet sophomore Brian Chen. He’s your typical well-rounded student: great grades, ambitious classes and numerous extracurricular activities. Though he has varied interests ranging from origami to basketball—Chen wants to become an engineer. He’d also like to attend a university, such as UC Berkeley or Stanford before going to graduate school.
“I’ve always been strong in math and science and I like those subjects. Engineering is a natural career choice for me. I’m not sure what major I want to take in college yet because I don’t know what kind of engineering I’m interested in. I’m focusing on classes that will help me achieve my career goal. For instance, I’m taking Trig Honors and Chemistry AP. Next year I plan to take Physics AP. These advanced math and science classes are important for the engineering field,” said Chen.
However, school isn’t the only thing Chen is focusing on. His other nonacademic activities are also valuable in reaching his career goals.
“I’ve also had experiences outside of school that will help me in the future. I’m an Eagle Scout and though it doesn’t relate directly to my goals, it teaches me leadership skills. In the near future I hope to attend college. I hope to take the rest of my time in high school to figure out my major,” said Chen.
Median Salary: $89,000