High School Athletes: What Motivates Students to Pursue Sports?

Sports Editor

People have varying perspectives on the impact of high school sports; some find them to be a meaningful part of their high school experience while others believe it is a waste of time. For those who participate in a sport, they do so for a reason. This brings up a simple question: why? What drives a student to dedicate countless hours to a sport, exhausting themselves physically on a daily basis?
For some of us, it is the feeling of relieving our stress by doing what we love. The escape from reality and the problems coupled with it is what provides motive for athletes. Being in a sport is like being in a home away from home; a place at school that does not require you to demonstrate your knowledge in math or English. However, the same way that school tests your knowledge on academics, sports test your physical capabilities.
These tests provide challenges that athletes strive to overcome, which is why they dedicate countless hours of practice to perfect their abilities and technique. Competitiveness is something people develop by participating in athletics, and it is the thought of being able to surpass your opponents and the aspirations of victory that serve to inspire athletes.
Other than stress relief, some athletes participate in sports due to sheer, undying love for the sport itself. Maybe it is finding a passion for a particular sport through playing it from childhood. Sometimes it just comes down to doing what you enjoy most.