I Know Where You Are

Staff Writer

Odds are that you are part of the thousands of adolescents who use social networking sites. Notifi cations, the phrase “tag me,” and “liking” are now integrated in your vocabulary. One of the more fairly recent additions to facilitate all of your activities is the “Check-In” or “share your location” option available on Facebook and Twitter. Better yet, on smart phones, one can easily click the location, open maps and download directions, all within a few minutes. Once you make that choice to “Check-In,” you surrender your privacy and leave your whereabouts to anyone viewing your page to come and meet you, whether you like it or not.
Aside from the obvious bragging rights, why would you want to openly share your location with everyone? Itʼs been heard many times before, but please be aware that what you put online is always accessible to others, even if itʼs unintended. Fortunately, there has been a new update that prompts you to control who you want to see your location. Take advantage of the steady regain in privacy and do your homework.