Seniors Victorious in Powderpuff Game

Rather than just watching boys play football, AHS junior and senior girls had their own chance to give the sport a shot. Junior and senior girls, in addition to Alhambra Student Athlete Program (ASAP), sported pink and blue shirts for the Powderpuff Football Game, which took place on March 11 at Moor Field. The senior girls beat the juniors with a score of 35-14.
The game was sponsored by ASAP and was open to all junior and senior girls. The club fundraised in order to rent Moor Field, hire security and pay for insurance and T-shirts.
“The purpose of ASAP is to get student athletes to help raise school pride and support their [graduating] classes,” said senior Devin Lara.
ASAP is a newer club on campus that is being advised by James Zall.
“The game was really intense. You don’t realize how hard it is to play football until you actually play the game,” said junior Charissa Wood. “It was a really exciting and fun experience to play this for the first time with other people.”

Joyce Lam, Editor in Chief