WASC Meeting to Implement Change at AHS

Editor in Chief
Eager to make the most out of their minimum day dismissal, most students rushed out of the AHS gates on Feb. 11 and started their three-day weekend early.
However, for a group of students, the day was not yet over as they joined the teachers in a WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) meeting.
WASC is an organization consisting of administrators, teachers and students who collaborate in order to discuss school matters and possible solutions to problems affecting the campus environment.
The meeting’s main focus was school culture. Teachers and student representatives were asked to rank specific areas in need of improvement pertaining to school atmosphere.
“It was interesting to see issues not just within the student body, but also among faculty and staff,” said senior Herrick Duong, a student representative from Campus Service Club.
During the meeting, students and teachers examined possible causes and effective solutions.
Limited diversity in extracurricular activities was also brought up as an issue and groups referred to former ASB President Anthony Perez’s article that spotlighted the limited diversity in leadership positions at AHS.
Another topic addressed during the WASC meeting was the lack of school pride. Groups suggested tangible goals to help increase school spirit. One of the suggestions was a proposal to fix the intercom system and to increase awareness about organizations in order to encourage student involvement at AHS.
“It was very verbal and students and teachers spoke openly about possible solutions and we saw that [the teachers] were as concerned as students were,” said Duong.
Teachers had equally high expectations that they would find viable solutions through these meetings.
“I think it’s incredibly valuable; it’s a good idea to take stock of where you are and constantly ask for feedback from every group involved,” said Drama teacher Emily Coalson, who participated in the meeting.