Vaccination Theory Debunked

When Dr. Andrew Wakefield released his research paper in 1998 on the link between vaccines and the emergence of autism in children, many worried parents began refusing to let their children take the treatments, blaming doctors for their children’s disabilities. Celebrities such as Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey have spoken vocally against vaccinations.
However, in January, a recent finding of fraud in Wakefield’s research has confirmed indefinitely that there is no link between vaccines and the development of autism in children.
As a result of Wakefield’s fear-inducing research, many children have suffered from preventable diseases. The measles, once declared eradicated from the United States, began infecting children again around the world shortly after Wakefield’s claims were made.
“I think it is irresponsible that it took so long to find faulty information after ten years of hysteria,” said senior Kathleen Chen. “Even now, the scare and damage can’t be completely undone.”
Shannon Ho, Staff Writer