I’ma Let You Finish, But…

Shannon Ho
Staff Writer
I don’t like Taylor Swift. Now, before you write me off as jealous or bitter or ugly or fat or whatever, just hear me out. My dislike for Swift has little to do with her annoying voice and inability to take a joke. Instead, my real problem with Swift lies in the fact that the influence her music has on young girls may potentially lead to a bout of anti-feminism in our younger generation.
Of all the songs I’ve heard from Swift, not one of them contains lyrics about being secure in yourself as a woman and being happy without a boyfriend. She laments constantly about her broken heart (“he’s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar”) and even insults the guy’s new girlfriend (“she’s an actress/she’s better known for things she does on that mattress”). It shocks me that Swift thinks she can go around calling girls sluts in order to make a hit song.
Looking at record sales, it’s obvious that the Swift juggernaut will not be ceasing any time soon, and I’m fine with that. All I ask is that Swift grow up a little and start focusing on delivering songs that talk about confidence and happiness in being a single, strong woman about having great friendships, strong bonds to family and pursuing dreams. Also Taylor, if your boyfriends keep leaving you for other girls, maybe the problem is you. Just sayin’.