Cornell University Helps Relieve Medical Student Debt


Cornell University recently announced a major change that university officials hop will help tackle the issue of student debt. On Monday, Sept. 16, a spokesperson announced their plan to eliminate all student debt for medical students who qualify for financial aid. 

“By replacing student loans with scholarships that cover tuition, housing

and other living expenses, the [program] ensures that all students… can pursue their medical education,” President of Cornell University Martha E. Pollack said. 

The university implemented this new system  by  accumulating funds from donors which, according to CNN, round up to more than a whopping $160 million. The reasoning behind Cornell’s tuition free option is to incorporate students from economically diverse backgrounds. 

“I think it’s a great opportunity that students should take advantage of,” junior Caddie Yu said, “especially for students interested in the STEM field.” 

Students that qualify for financial aid are the only individuals that can receive funding, however this is just one step universities like Cornell have taken to lower the cost of higher education. Public universities and colleges such as New York University and are now all offering cost-efficient opportunities for prospective students amid the student debt crisis.