Artificial Intelligence



When brought to the idea surrounding if robots could write a essay or a speech with only a few words given, (or the general thesis of the subject and topic) it excites technology fans and the general public. Upon hearing this, many readers excite with a tumpus wonderlust for finally being in “the world of tomorrow”, the future. Nevertheless, this is far from the truth. With any technological advancement, there has to be some sort of set back. OpenAI ( a non-profit artificial intelligence research organization founded by Elon Musk) recently announced a new text generator that can predict what a writer will say in not only in the next word, but foresee sentences and or paragraphs. While in production and upon release, OpenAI decided that they need to halt the grand opening of the new text generator by phasing out the potential dangers of this powerful Artificial Intelligence.

Upon realizing the dangers, the organization is instead releasing a smaller model for experimenting, in contrast to just letting out the fully capable program. The AI has the potential of creating distinctive and professional writings with extraordinary depth, criteria, characters, plots, details, and descriptions from only being fed a mere prompt to a story. Although, it does have untraversed terrain with highly technical circumstances.