Fake University by ICE



The New York Times reports that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) created a fake university in Michigan in order to make arrests for immigrant violations. The University of Farmington Hills claimed to be an accredited university specializing in STEM fields. However, it was not actually a real university. It was created by ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. The university offered no classes; it was a n undercover operation designed to catch those guilty of fraud. Foreign students enrolled in the university, even though they apparently knew it was fake, in order to get student visas without having to actually do any school work. Recruiters for the school were arrested after enrolling more than 600 students in the scheme. “Students” from more than four states, including California, have been arrested. “It seems to be a nationwide ICE action as we speak,”Atlanta-based immigration lawyer Ravi Mannam said. Mannam and others have criticized the operation as misleading.