California State Universities Will Not Raise Tuition


RUSS ROJAS Staff Writer


This month, California State University’s Chancellor, Timothy P. White, gave a pledge that they will not raise the tuition for the next incoming year. The reason as to why this pledge was given is defined by a proposal by governor Gavin Newsom relating to recent large funding for education.

“I attended a CSU school from 1997- 2001 and I have watched as the cost of tuition has been raised year after year,” U.S. History teacher Bryan Venti said. “I believe that it is important for a CSU education to be affordable for working class students.”

This is the second year in a row that the Cal State University tuition has been frozen. The annual tuition fee with this rule put in action again will be $5,742; however, this fee will only apply to full time graduates who are California residents. The undergraduates who are taking six or fewer credits would pay less $3,330.

This new budget plan aims to pull in more funding for education. Many young adults feel as if tuition is too high. Student debt is the second largest type of debt in the country, surpassing credit cards and only being topped by mortgage debt.

“Each time the cost is increased, some students get left behind,” Venti said.

According to EdSource,California has the highest amount of student debt behind Texas and Florida.

“I feel that [the freeze is] going to have a positive affect on people living in California… because not everyone has the money especially these days,” sophomore Laila Padilla said.

Although there are some disagreements with this tuition policy, for the most part, residents of California are pleased with the news, due to the fact that many can now pursue a university without the burden of being buried in debt, revenue and interest.

According to CapRadio, UC Spokeswomen, Claire Doan has talked about UC tuition rates in reference to the Cal State tuition announcement. She states that while Cal State universities may be freezing their tuition, U.C. schools may not be following in their footsteps. Their tuition is in the talks of increasing, although many citizens are also hoping that this freeze will as apply to U.C. schools.

While this policy will definitely not apply to all universities across the state, it is safe to say that many California residents are eager to pursue a college education in these Cal State institutions without the worry of being burdened with debt, interests, and revenue after graduating college.