Alhambra Girls Volleyball Play Senior Night Game


On Oct. 4, the Alhambra Girls Volleyball team went up against Schurr High School in a home conference. The game against Schurr began with eagerness and positivity. This was mainly due to the fact that the match was the last home game for the Lady Moors, a day the team designates as “Senior Night.” Before the game began, the coaches and captain for the Alhambra girls team took time to place recognition on the senior volleyball players and provided gifts to them as well. After some pictures, hugs and laughter, the Lady Moors began their last home game.

Although the Alhambra team had high hopes, their expectations were quickly diminished when the Schurr team scored the first match point. In turn, Alhambra retaliated and scored a point but Schurr came back with another five points soon after. Although the Lady Moors remained strong throughout the match, Schurr was the team that won the game with a set score of 0-3.

“Although we did not win, we were all satisfied by the way we played as a team and we all looked forward to finishing off our season strong by ending with one more win,” senior player Emi Takemoto said.

The loss against Schurr left the team at a league record of 1-8 and an overall season record of 5-13. According to the Alhambra players, the losses this year were very beneficial to the team as they allowed the girls to discover areas where they could improve. The games have allowed them to find flaws in their defensive area and their offensive area, causing the team to experiment in every match. Aside from the game performance, the Lady Moors worked on improving their communication on the court so that no ball can come as a surprise for the girls.

“Although we missed many opportunities to improve our league record, we’re still proud of ourselves because we played well this year and the team improved a lot in areas such as our communication and the way we played,” junior Captain Serena Lee said.

Since Senior Night is out of the way for the team, the Alhambra girls have one final match left against Montebello. Going into the game, the Lady Moors are confident that they can score one more win for their league record. In order to prepare for the next match, the girls used their final practice to practice their serves, volleys and their defense.

“Since the end of the season is right around the corner, we do not have any more practices so now we are just trying to have as much fun as we can and win our final match against Montebello,” Lee said.

The Alhambra team’s final match will be on Oct. 9 against Montebello in an away conference at 3:15 p.m.