Homecoming Game Reaches a ‘Shocking’ Conclusion





Homecoming is the largest event that Alhambra High School hosts annually, so it is understandable that some may be upset with the outcome of the game on Oct. 12. Although the preceding parade and the dance the following day went as planned, the Homecoming football game between the Moors and the San Gabriel Matadors was, unfortunately, cancelled due to nearing thunder, lightning and rain.

However, the game began normally in the first quarter. As students of Alhambra and other spectators made their way into their seats, fireworks went off while Alhambra’s choir sang the Star Spangled Banner.

The Moors began the game with a kick off, stopping San Gabriel at the 25-yard-line. Shortly after gaining their possession, the Matadors called a timeout with 8:18 left in the quarter.

The Moors battled until San Gabriel was left at fourth down on offense, when the Matadors went for the goal line. This resulted in a turnover on downs broken up by Alhambra junior Vito Russell.

With 6:55 left in the first quarter, the referee delayed the game due to lightning. However, the game resumed once again for a short amount of time. In this time, Alhambra quickly lost their possession to a fumble on the first playback, leaving the ball on the 50-yard-line and 6:38 left on the clock. San Gabriel then lost their possession when Alhambra senior Gabe Taesali sacked their Quarterback, leaving yet another turnover on downs.

This is where the Homecoming game ended. The Referees delayed the game yet again due to nearing lightning, and it became evident to some that this time the game would not resume.

The game was postponed to the following Monday, resuming where the game left off. However, Alhambra Head Coach Eric Bergstrom felt confident in the Moors ability to perform in the rest of the game despite the delay.

“I don’t know if the outcome would have been the exact same,” Bergstrom said. “But it definitely felt like a game we felt good going into.”

The game reopened on Oct. 15 with the Moors’ possession on San Gabriel’s 43-yard-line with 4:12 left on the clock in the first quarter. Alhambra then punted, leaving the ball at the Matador’s 22-yard-line. A sack by San Gabriel’s number 28 left them with first down at the 35-yard-line. The first quarter ended shortly after with no points on the board.

The second quarter began with the Moors’ possession. Shortly after losing possession and regaining it, Alhambra received their punt on San Gabriel’s 41-yard line with 7:13 on the clock.

Shortly after, the Moors called their first timeout on second down. After recovering a fumble, the Moors were able to score a touchdown and make the extra point on the field goal, leaving the score at 7-0.

A few plays after the kickoff, Alhambra senior Cody Chung got the ball to first and goal with two big runs. Senior Captain Anthony Herrera then brought the ball down to the 1-yard-line as the clock ran down.

Alhambra scored a touchdown with an extra point leaving the score at 14-0 at the end of the second quarter.

In the third quarter, three more touchdowns were scored by Alhambra. The first was made by Russel in a 97-yard-line touchdown reception. The next touchdown was made by Herrera with an 80-yard touchdown interception. The last was made by senior Raul Cortez with a 42-yard touchdown interception. All extra points were made, leaving the score at 35-0.

In the beginning of the fourth quarter, Chung ran through the Matador’s defense to score a touchdown after San Gabriel lost their possession shortly after gaining it. This allowed him to score a touchdown.

Later in the fourth quarter, senior Alberto Contreras scored another touchdown in another touchdown interception.

This left the final score at 48-0 with the Moors winning the game. Although the Homecoming game was delayed, Alhambra was still able to pull together and clearly assert their dominance in the league.

“It’s a kind of a reflection of the effort [the team] put in,” Bergstrom said. “It’s a payoff for them to see this kind of success.”

Their season record now stands at 7-1, and the team hopes to maintain their winning streak in their next game against Bell Gardens on Oct. 19.