Increase of Poverty Rate




The new historic low for California’s poverty rate has been set. California’s vigorous economy has dealt with a poverty rating of 19 percent, which has placed a difficult struggle on seven million state citizens. After dropping 1.4 percent in the past year, California still remains at a high ranking of being a poverty incorporated nation. In correlation to the poverty rate, California has also been having falling insured rates. Poverty Figures are said to paint a picture for California of low pay since it encompasses income from some government groups and falls into factors of high cost living in some corners of California. “The price of housing should be dropped due to all the poverty from having difficult payments of a house, especially if the state of California has a minimum wage of $11.00 per hour,” Freshman Andres Zeas said. The housing crisis is especially important in Los Angeles County where rents and mortgages are high and there are many citizens. The small increase for minimum wage in Los Angeles county is also a factor. Those who make the least amount of money also have the most trouble finding affordable housing. “Housing is expensive, so the government should give people more money,” sophomore Billy Duong said. California still has much work to do to decrease the poverty rate.