Recreational Marijuana Use Could Be Banned in Alhambra


MAX TRAN Staff Writer


Time Magazine reports that marijuana was legalized for limited recreational uses in California through Proposition 64. The law, passed in 2016, received a great amount of support from the state. Despite this, some are still reserved and cautious about marijuana. The Pasadena-Star news reports that in September the city council of Alhambra voted to bring an ordinance which, if passed, would ban all land use for recreational marijuana cultivation, manufacture and distribution. Mayor Jeff Maloney talked about the main reasons why he supports the ordinance.

“[I] want Alhambra to be the first ones out of the box trying to figure out what the problems are,” Maloney said.

However people tend to either agree Brandon Chau, a senior of this school, a“I full support it,” Brandon Chau said. “ because not only do I disagree with recreational marijuana… also as a man with Asthma, I try to stay away from things people generally smoke.”

This ordinance would greatly affect Alhambra. As the Pasadena-Star news puts it, income from the sale of marijuana would help the city get more funding. This also means that people who wants access to recreational marijuana would have to travel further to get it. Most cities in the San Gabriel Valley have also banned recreational marijuana businesses. Only Baldwin Park is an exception with 25 approved businesses in the field already. This issue might not be a closed case, though. Mayor Maloney has expressed interest in coming back to this issue sometime in the future. There is a possibility that this ordinance can be debated again, but it appears that the ordinance will be instated as law.