Food Vendors Bringing Something New

Recently a vote has been passed in Los Angeles allowing street vendors to sell freely without being fined. Vendors provide access to basic necessities, reduce crime according to an article by CNN and do not need much money to run. Thus, regulation of street vendors should also be suppressed in other cities because fines can lead to criminal charges causing the loss of their job and vending equipment.
First, people who sell food can be punished with fines that forces them to attend court, which could lead to deportation and loss of their job. Although some people may say that street vendors are invasive and take business from other companies, street vendors introduce lots of cuisines from many different cultures. As a result, they could attract more customers to the entire community.
In addition, the street vending business is easy to join as it does not cost much money to set up. In densely populated cities, food vendors provide a quick way to get lunch without waiting in lines and can be taken on the go, this allows them to profit and help others. Despite the stigma that street vendor food is low quality, many vendors get their food fresh from local suppliers and are overseen by large organizations to maintain food quality.
Lastly, food vendors keep the neighborhood safe. Vendors can always monitor the areas because they stay in one place. This deters criminals from stealing or robbing in front of them. In an article by CNN; Charlotte, NC made a petition to to open food trucks in effort to reduce crime.
In conclusion, the effort to suppress street vendors and its growing community would be unreasonable because they are such a staple in communities. They create healthier and interactive environments and give easy access to supplies while introducing new cultures. Thus, many cities should follow Los Angeles’ example and try working with street vendors.