In response to concerns of worsening attendance and increasing tardy rates, Alhambra High School is implementing a drastic new policy. On Nov. 19, the first tardy sweep was carried out, finding late students and putting them at risk of being given detention. The administration plans to continue holding tardy sweeps, and will have them at random dates and periods.
During a tardy sweep, students not yet in class are required to report to a designated tardy sweep area where they will meet with a facilitating staff member. The first time a student is caught in a tardy sweep, they will be given a warning. For each subsequent sweep, tardy students must sign up for detention during a lunch period. After a sweep, students are given a Tardy Sweep Hall Pass to return to their class.
The tardy sweep policy also includes further punishment for those who do not attend their required detention. In attention to having to attend detention after school, students may have many of their privileges revoked. Students may be prohibited from participating in extracurricular competitions such as for sports, dance, band, and debate. Students also may not attend school dances, and seniors may have their special privileges taken away.