We’ve all been there before, backs hurting sitting in these chairs, you want the class to end but the clock seems to be moving in slow motion, all you wanna do is go home and sleep. Schools are known for making students feel unengaged, bored, and stressed. Some of the most boring and excruciating moments of my life have been at school, and I doubt that’s not the case for anyone else. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I will go over what I think can be done to increase student engagement.
First off, pay the teachers more, the current pay is atrocious and criminal. Teachers are some of the hardest workers in the world and they have an extremely important job that is completely overlooked by the people of this country. Pay the teachers! We can’t expect students to be engaged when teachers aren’t engaged due to being underpaid. This is the first and most important thing that needs to be done.
Next is the curriculums themselves, what we learn about. I have truly never been more bored than I am at school, students shouldn’t be waiting eagerly for the day to end, and the fact that they do shows the ineffectiveness of the current curriculums at schools. Students are not treated well at school, we have to wake up early, go home late, get barely any time off, and get bossed around about where we can sit, and whether or not we can talk. I wonder what else they expect us to do. With the current things being taught it’s like they want us to get distracted in class. And to end it all off we are graded harshly on the tedious work we are forced to do with our lives possibly being upended if we don’t do adequate amounts of tedious, boring work. This just isn’t the way. No student should be stressed, or tired, or bored, but we all are. And then we are expected to be engaged, it’s ridiculous.
All of these problems truly do lie in the system itself, there is no individual at fault here, it’s the rich people controlling the school system that are at fault, if we want students to be more engaged, then we need some serious changes.