If you have gotten lunch from the school in the past month or so, you may have noticed that the lines were longer. It may have seemed confusing why the lines were moving so slow, until you got to the front and realized what was causing this delay.
Recently, Alhambra Unified School District implemented Point of Sale (POS) machines. These machines require students to type in their student IDs in order to get lunch. While these machines do not charge anything to the student, it does record whether a student got lunch or not during the day. Aside from serving no purpose other than preventing students from getting a second lunch, it also slows down the lunch lines. Since every student needs to punch in their numbers into the machines, the lines take forever to go through, which eats into the lunch period.
For some students, one lunch is simply not enough. So not allowing students to grab a second lunch, especially when there seems to be a lot left some days makes no sense. Why not let students grab a second lunch, especially if the same food is going to be thrown out? The only purpose this system serves is to save money for the district and make the line move slower. The school has not been using this system for a long time, so there is no reason for it to be implemented now.