Jimmy Says: So You Donʼt Like Badminton?

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My initial thoughts before joining the badminton team four years ago included coming up with ways to hide the fact that I played the sport from my peers. Of course, it wasnʼt because I did not enjoy playing the sport; on the contrary, badminton has been a part of my life since I was a child watching my aunt play at the local badminton club. It is something that I have learned to love over the years as I dedicated more hours towards becoming a better player. Sadly, the very sport that has been such an important part of my life happens to be one that is constantly mocked and discredited by those who have only been exposed to the badminton that is played in the backyard on warm summer days.
By the end of my first season on the team, I asked myself why I was turning my back on something that I consider to be one of my passions because of a silly stereotype? Of course, it took many personal experiences for me to completely believe in these thoughts. It took the many friendships I formed while I was on the team. It took the frustration I felt when my own classmates would carelessly walk onto the courts during games without even thinking twice about it. It took the moment when one of our competitors left in the middle of the matches because they could no longer stand the disrespect they felt when students would laugh as they passed through the gym.
Over the years, the badminton program has been reduced to the point where it barely resembles its former self. These major cuts, including the cancellation of the teamʼs junior varsity program, would make sense to me if student participation in the sport was not high, but with a roster consisting of over 30 students, I cannot comprehend how our administration can reduce the program to the point where only 18 students would be able to compete at each game.
Although badminton players are not known for their defined physiques, that should not give people a reason to completely discredit
badminton as a sport. To be a successful badminton player, one must dedicate many hours of practice towards having physical stamina, consistence and a strong mentality. Just like any other sport, these are all traits that athletes must acquire.