The Waiting Game

Now that the daunting task of applying to colleges is over for many seniors, the anxious game of waiting is the only thing that is separating us from receiving news of our admission status to their dream schools. After four long years of preparing—taking ACTs, studying for SATs, slaving over AP test prep, collecting extracurricular activities and perfecting personal statements—it is a feeling of both relief
and apprehension that there is no longer anything that can be done to improve our chances of being admitted to the schools we’ve been dreaming about since elementary school. We remain hopeful that the past four years of our lives—(or lack thereof) will not have been spent in vain, when that glorious acceptance
letter is in our hands, or on our computer screens. The tedious
waiting game is made tolerable through the faith that come September, we will all be exactly where we are meant to be.
By Features Editor Lindsay Croon