Teens Should Help Others to Reduce Stress


Teens undergo many changes during this stage of their life. As a result, they become more sensitive and may struggle with self-esteem issues. To remedy these stresses, teens should help others. Research studies show that when teens help strangers they have a boost in self-confidence along with a whole new mindset. Helping others will allow them to handle stressful situations and gain communication skills. 

While helping people is a good thing, it is particularly impactful to teens and has a positive effect on them over time. Working with others makes them feel more comfortable with themselves. Having a new sense of confidence gives them the ability to overcome difficult obstacles they may face. 

Helping others also provides an outlet for teens and teaches them that it is okay to seek support from others. Most teens are overwhelmed by school and their personal lives and need a distraction to help ease their stress. As they start to put others first and help out they relieve some of the built up stress. 

These acts of kindness show just how impactful they can be and bonding will give teens a sense of belonging, and as a result, they will be less prone to depression and other mental health issues. 

To encourage teens to help out in their community families should take the time to volunteer to make it seem more enjoyable. Schools should have volunteer programs to help encourage students to step out of their comfort zone.